Subject: Re: Starting Apache 1.3.29
To: None <,>
From: Alexander Flott <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 04/13/2004 09:48:49
> I don't know what's the problem, because at /var/log/httpd/error_log, I
> found only the message below:
> [Mon Apr 12 22:38:19 2004] [alert] mod_unique_id: unable to
> gethostbyname("repjnl")


seems that the gethostbyname syscall fails for the host "repjnl".

According to the gethostbyname(3) man page, this syscall get's the
name from: DNS, hosts-file and NIS/YP. So this call will fail, even
when you set your hostname correctly in /etc/rc.conf.

The easiest way to fix this, is to add "repjnl" with it's IP to /etc/hosts.

