Subject: DL_LAZY support in dlopen
To: None <>
From: Madhvesh R S <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 04/13/2004 12:18:39

I am referring to NetBSD-v1.6. In my application i am using
dlopen() with  flag as DL_LAZY. Is this mode (DL_LAZY) supported
in this netbsd version? Does the unresolved symbol linking happen
when it is being referred or will it happen at the beginning when
shared object is loaded?

I saw in man-page, it says, for future compatibility DL_LAZY should 
be specified always. Does this mean, DL_LAZY does not have any effect
in this version?

If this is not supported in the version of 1.6, can any
one tell me, which version of NetBSD supports this?

Thanks in advance