Subject: Re: Updating userland for netbsd-1-6 branch
To: None <>
From: Christian Palomino <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 12/30/2003 09:20:48
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El 12/30/03 07:54:37, Cory Bajus escribi=F3:
> I am trying to follow the instructions for 'Updating a stable NetBSD
> Release' (  It
> all seems to work well except for the 'Updating the userland' step.
What I use to do:

First building the new kernel:
	#cd /sys/arch/%YOURARCHITECTURE%/conf
	#config GENERIC (or whatever your personalized kernel =20
compilation configuration file is)
	#cd ../compile/GENERIC (or the file name you used)
	#make depend
	#mv /netbsd /netbsd.old; mv netbsd /netbsd

Then building userland in nonroot detdir:
	#cd /usr/src
	#./ -O /usr/obj -T /usr/tools -D /usr/NetBSD-new -U obj =20
tools kernel=3DGENERIC

The I reboot in single user mode and:
	#mount -u /
	#cd /usr/src
	#./ -O /usr/obj -T /usr/tools -U install=3D/

I don't know if it is the best method, but after researching in the =20
archives and news is the only one I found that works for me.

Best Regards and a Happy New Year

Christian Palomino
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