Subject: New graphics card for NetBSD-stable/XFree86 4.3.x based desktop
To: None <>
From: Michal Pasternak <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 12/08/2003 02:38:27

as I have recently switched CRTs from 14' to 20', it came out, that my cheap
NVidia-based card can't generate good signal for such monitor. The vision is
not as sharp as it was, when I tried my friends' GeForce 4 with it.

So, I want to buy a new graphics card. I can chose betweenn GeForce 4 based
cards (named "Asus", "Winfast" and "MSI", if that tells you something), 
ATI 9200, ATI 7500 and Matrox G550 - but if you can add something else to
this list, please, do so.

I want:

- a hardware, which manufacturer cooperates with opensource community
  (NVidia, in my opinion, doesn't do it - binary drivers are buggy, hard to
  port and debug; not-releasing-docs to the hardware is also bad)
- a hardware with 3D accelleration, that is supported / could be supported
  in very near future by NetBSD / XFree86; I don't want blazing-fast 3D 
  performance - I just want a working one, which is not as buggy, as NVidia
  is (stability matters more, than performance, especially when you try to
  develop some 3D software and not get bald before you finish)
As you could see, I would rather like something else, than another
NVidia-manufactured graphics card - but, if anyone can assure me, that
NVidia driver is getting more stable at each release, and in the near future
(by near I mean next 6 months) it will be useable - well, I won't mind
NVidia in such case.

Thank you for your opinions,
Michal Pasternak ::