Subject: UVM page fault
To: None <>
From: Fionn Cleary <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 10/24/2003 08:46:39
I have an ancient dell 486/50 DX2 Mhz with 16MB RAM. unfortunatly it
crashes on every boot with this:
uvm_fault(0xc38bc0bc, 0x0, 0, 2) -> e
kernel: page fault trap, code=0
Stopped in pid 6 (init) at uvm_pagealloc_strat+0x159: movl %eax, 0
and drops into the debugger. the stock GENERIC kernel crashed at
earlier point than the custom one with all unused drivers removed,
however, that didn't cure the problem. To get any where with this
problem, would I have to use the in-kernel debugger to find the
problem? does anyone else have any idea as to why it's crashing? It
runs fine with linux 2.2 and 2.4. See the attached console log (has
linux 2.4 dmesg at end.)