Subject: a good graphic ftp client
To: None <>
From: Zhang Weiwu <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 09/21/2003 22:04:32
I would like to use mozilla all the time, but I don't know how to use
mozilla to upload.
I use Gnome. I have been using gftp and xrmftp for some time. gftp hangs
very frequently, and xrmftp sometime won't be able to recheive file
list. I love filezilla when I was using Windows, but filezilla don't
have a netbsd port. Besides, gftp is *very slow*, when I transfer about
10000 small text files on a 100Mbps connection, filezilla runs 3 times
faster (both with single thread) than gftp on the same model of
computer. It's annoying that both filezilla and gftp hang before finish.
What is the most stable ftp client for Gnome? What are you using?