Subject: Re: DAM! All that spam!....
To: Michal Pasternak <>
From: Chris <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 09/20/2003 08:36:51
On Saturday 20 September 2003 08:16 am, Michal Pasternak wrote:
yup - also
> Todd Gruhn [Sat, Sep 20, 2003 at 09:13:25PM +0800]:
> > For the last 2 days, I have been getting 20 to 40 messages
> > per day -- it seems like they grow overnight :-<
> >
> > I ripped off a header to to send to you guys as an example:
> >
> > Its' from a MS network two a MS network -- and yet I get
> No, it's not.
> > 20+ of these things in my mail box! Would it be safe to
> > assume that MS has security problems over at coprorate
> > HQ?
> Yes, as usual.
> > Any feed back would be useful
> look for "Sven" virus.
Best regards,
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