Subject: Re: netbsd on dual 800mhz pentium processor machine
To: Lubos Vrbka <>
From: Frank van der Linden <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 09/15/2003 15:35:22
On Mon, Sep 15, 2003 at 03:36:26PM +0200, Lubos Vrbka wrote:
> so it will work even without netbsd-current kernel, but only with 1 processor of two, right? and tracking -current + recompiling the kernel should do the job...
> thank you for quick reply (and good news :o))
Right. You can just install 1.6.1, and then compile and install a -current
Remember to add 'options COMPAT_16' to the config file for your new kernel..
- Frank
Frank van der Linden
NetBSD. Free, Unix-like OS. > 45 different platforms.