Subject: Re: Linux Compatibility
To: None <>
From: bob smith <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 09/08/2003 11:07:01
Seems like eliteradius is just running radius. There is a radius package
for NetBSD, I have not used it but, it is there.
Subhro wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi people,
> This is cable net and I have seen that the net does not work unless I am using the client. My connectivity to the server is using LAN and the server uses NAT in order to provide the connectivity. You can check .The client is made by them (as far as I know)> In a word I must run the client if I want to use the Net.
> Thanks
> Subhro Sankha Kar
> Indian Institute of Information Technology
> State Book Board
> Sector V,Salt Lake City
> Calcutta
> West Bengal
> India
> - -----Original Message-----
> From: Eric Fox []
> Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2003 9:15
> To: Subhro
> Subject: Re: Linux Compatibility
> I'm curious ... do you really NEED your ISP's client? What does it do? I assume it's for dialing the ISP. You can probably do just as well by using pppd and a chat script.
> - ---
> /\---/\ Eric J Fox
> / o o \ Home & Small Business Computer Support
> \.\ /./ in the Phoenix Metropolitan Area
> \@/
> .
> Version: PGP 8.0
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