Subject: Re: printing via parallel port
To: None <netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: MLH <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 09/02/2003 20:13:51
On 1 Sep 2003 03:00:01 -0500, Richard Rauch wrote:
> Re.
> I'm told that the problem is in the way the parallel port requires
> interrupts to be handled, which doesn't work well with what NetBSD
> would like to believe. (^&
> You might also get some improvements by changing the driver between
> interrupt-driven and interrupt-less mode. (It's a minor mode on the
> /dev node. I think that NetBSD now ships with /dev/lpa as the
> interrupt-less counterpart to /dev/lpt. I think that the interrupt-
> driven one performs less well.)
However, understand that using /dev/lpa may not work correctly with
certain printers. I've seen a few that simply print the what was
left in the printer's buffer after it overran when using lpa.