Subject: Need to add swap space
To: None <>
From: TLD <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 07/26/2003 00:01:09
I use NetBSD 1.6.1/i386 since a while, and my memory requirements grew with 
time. I am now in a situation in which I need more memory than RAM+swap allow.

I tried with swapfiles, with little luck: vmware hangs badly as soon as a 
single page is written to them, and the whole machine with it.

The other choice would consist in resizing "/" and the swap, so that a few 
more megs can be added to the latter.
Of course I don't know how I can do that easily :P
I can temporarily add a big-enough disk to hold "/"'s data (in a file), if 
that can help (I guess it does).

Could anybody give me appropriate instructions to complete the task 
successfully? :)
Thank you.

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