Subject: Re: problems installing
To: Ezequiel Reyes <>
From: David Laight <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 07/23/2003 17:30:42
On Wed, Jul 23, 2003 at 08:01:01AM -0700, Ezequiel Reyes wrote:
> Hi, I downloaded the NetBSD iso for version 1.6.1, I have a dual boot
> laptop, so I decided to install de bootloader, I particioned the disk making
> label f: NetBSD type (mount point in /) and label g: swap, it starts and
> then stops with:
> Status: Failed: Command Failed
> command: /usr/mdec/installboot -v /usr/mdec/biosboot.sym /dev/rwd0a
> /usr/mdec/biosboot.sym: entry point 0x831000
> proto bootblock size 48128
> room for q0 filesystem blocks at 0x580
> /dev/wd0a is not mounted
> installboot: mount /dev/wd0a -> /temp/installboot02608a failed: Device not
> configured
> Any hints? am I missing somthing?

NetBSD spilts the MBR partition into pieces (rather than having an MBR
partition for each filesystem).  Typically an install with have:

'a' root at the start of the netbsd MBR partition [1]
'b' swap following it
'c' the MBR partition
'd' the whole disk
'e' /usr (if a separate filesystem)
Other netbsd partitions can describe any part of the disk.


[1] necessary for mortals to get a bootable system.

David Laight: