Subject: Re: pthreads compat prob (simple q)
To: poff <>
From: Bryan P <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 07/17/2003 00:08:10
On the formidable day of Jul 17, poff penned:

> I was using pth-1.4 (<2 anyway) with which the package cd versions of
> xmms, kde and anjuta were using happily.
> Then with a compile of mplayer I had to "update" to pth2, whereupon these
> problems complain of missing libpthread libraries (which got removed).
> Any ideas how I can fix this without having to recompile these programs?

Doubtful this is really what you want (e.g. I think you're looking for a
quick/simple solution), but -current has pthreads support that seems to
work pretty well for me (xmms, mozilla, etc).

> I'm on dialup on a winmodem so any help would be appreciated.

Running what OS?
