Subject: fake mountpoints for different file systems
To: None <>
From: Thomas Hafner <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 04/20/2003 00:15:42

I'd like to have prepared one single mount point /floppy by /etc/fstab
- independent of the floppy's actual file system (with Linux I can do
that with a single line in fstab, see note [1]).

After having played with fstab I found something useable like follows.

Two symlinks in the directory /floppy point to /floppy (quite
ffs -> .
msdos -> .

But that allows different entries in /etc/fstab:
/dev/fd0a /floppy/ffs ffs rw,noauto
/dev/fd0a /floppy/msdos msdos rw,noauto

Both, mount /floppy/ffs *and* mount /floppy/msdos, will result in
mounting the floppys file system directly on /floppy - the first
command for a FFS file system and the second command for a DOSish one.
Is that too weired? Is there a better solution?


[1] enter "auto" instead of a files system name in /etc/fstab; copy
/proc/filesystems to /etc/filesystems and order the lines according to
your wishes, e.g. first vfat then ext2.

+-----+ Thomas Hafner +-----+
| hafn@      / hafner@      |
| / |
+ +