Subject: Re: pkgsrc problems
To: Jeremy C. Reed <>
From: Dominic Jones <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 04/07/2003 21:31:06
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Jeremy C. Reed wrote:
  > Show us the exact error messages and the related packages (with 
> you have installed.

I've attached a list of packages I currently have installed, and here 
are the three problems:

	Compile time: 
/usr/pkgsrc/graphics/gphoto2/work/.buildlink/lib/ undefined 
reference to `acs_map'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
*** Error code 1


	Runtime: /usr/pkg/lib/gnucash/ Undefined PLT 
symbol "gw_wct_create" (reloc type = 7, symnum = 95)

	No error messages - file dialog boxes just display weird (Asian?) 
characters instead of filenames.

> And how recent is your pkgsrc?

I last updated it about a week ago, so it's relatively current.

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perl-5.6.1nb7       Practical Extraction and Report Language
netpbm-9.25         toolkit for conversion of images between different formats
pth-1.4.1nb6        GNU Portable Thread library
gmake-3.79.1        GNU version of 'make' utility
libiconv-1.8nb1     character set conversion library
libtool-base-1.4.20010614nb13 Generic shared library support script (the script itself)
gindent-2.2.6       GNU version of pretty-printer for C source code
unzip-5.42          List, test and extract compressed files in a ZIP archive
gtk-doc-0.9         tools for authors of the GTK+ reference documentation
jpeg-6b             IJG's jpeg compression utilities
freetype2-2.1.3     font rendering engine and library API
glu-3.4.2           GLU polygon tesselation facility for Mesa
ncurses-5.3         CRT screen handling and optimization package
pkglibtool-1.2p2    Generic shared library support script for NetBSD packages
zip-2.3nb1          Create/update ZIP files compatible with pkzip
xfce-3.8.18         Lightweight desktop environment with CDE look and feel
xmcd-3.0.2          Motif CD player
gettext-m4-0.11.5   autoconf/automake m4 files for GNU NLS library
pilot-link-libs-0.11.7 Libraries for talking to the 3Com Pilot PDA
libslang-1.3.10     Routines for rapid alpha-numeric terminal applications development
lynx-2.8.2          Alphanumeric display oriented World-Wide Web Client
libungif-4.1.0      Tools and library routines for working with GIF images
popt-1.7nb1         Command line option parsing library
libaudiofile-0.2.1  Sound library for SGI audio file
mozilla-1.3         Open-source version of the Netscape browser
libghttp-1.0.9      GNOME http client library
readline-4.1        GNU library which can recall and edit previous input
guile-1.6.3         GNU's Ubiquitous Intelligent Language for Extension
esound-0.2.22       the Enlightened sound daemon
m4-1.4              GNU version of Unix m4 macro-processor
tiff-3.5.5          library and tools for reading and writing TIFF data files
glib-1.2.10nb4      Some useful routines for C programming
xpm-3.4k            The X Pixmap library
glut-3.4.2          GLUT Graphics library similar to SGI's OpenGL
Mesa-3.4.2nb1       Graphics library meta package, similar to SGI's OpenGL
x11-links-0.12      shadow tree of links to X11R6 headers and libraries
realplayer-8.0.1    RealAudio and RealVideo player
MesaLib-3.4.2       Graphics library similar to SGI's OpenGL
p5-Net-1.13         perl5 modules to access and use network protocols
gle-3.0.3           GL subroutines for drawing tubing and extrusions
guile14-1.4.1nb2    GNU's Ubiquitous Intelligent Language for Extension
libxml-1.8.17       XML parser, mainly used by the GNOME project
p5-URI-1.23         Perl5 class to represent Uniform Resource Identifier (URI, RFC 2396)
slib-2.4.4          portable Scheme library of compatibility and utility functions
swig-1.1p5          Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator
gpa-0.4.3           GUI frontend to gnupg
mpeg2codec-1.2      MPEG Software Simulation Group's MPEG-2 Encoder and Decoder
lesstif-0.92.32     API compatible clone of the OSF/Motif toolkit
tcl-8.3.4           Ousterhout's Tool Command Language, a scripting language
dialog-0.6z         Display dialog boxes from shell scripts
nawk-19980211       Brian Kernighan's pattern-directed scanning and processing language
autoconf213-2.13    Generates automatic source code configuration scripts (old version)
libxml2-2.5.4       XML parser library for GNOME
bison-1.875nb1      GNU yacc(1) replacement
libtool-1.4.20010614nb13 Generic shared library support script
p5-HTML-TableExtract-1.06 perl5 module to simplify extracting HTML tables
p5-MIME-Base64-2.16 perl5 module for Base64 and Quoted-Printable encodings
p5-Compress-Zlib-1.16 perl5 module interface to the zlib compression library
png-1.2.5nb2        Library for manipulating PNG images
gettext-lib-0.11.5  tools for providing messages in different languages, libintl only
libunicode-0.4      library for manipulating Unicode characters and strings
tk-8.3.4            Graphical toolkit for TCL
mpeg-1.3.1          Library for decoding MPEG movies
gnome-pixmaps-1.4.2 Pixmaps for gnome-core
qt1-1.44            C++ X GUI toolkit
jasper-1.600.0nb1   software-based reference implementation of the JPEG-2000 codec
p5-Net-SSLeay-1.21  perl5 module for using OpenSSL
p5-IO-Socket-SSL-0.91 perl5 SSL socket interface class
oaf-0.6.10          new object activation framework for GNOME
db3-3.11.2          Sleepycat Software's Berkeley DB version 3
p5-libwww-5.69nb1   perl5 library for WWW access
libperl-5.6.1       Perl DynaLoader as a shared object
eperl-2.2.14        Interpreter/preprocessor for Perl embedded in text documents
mpg123-0.59.18nb2   Command-line player for mpeg layer 1, 2 and 3 audio
g-wrap-1.3.4        tool for importing types, functions, and constants into guile
unproven-pthreads-0.17 (MIT) POSIX threads library, hacked by Michael Graff
gnome-dirs-1.1      Shared GTK/GNOME (v1 and v2) directories
ImageMagick- Package for display and interactive manipulation of images
libxslt-1.0.27      XSLT parser library for GNOME
cvs-1.11nb2         Concurrent Versions System
ghostscript-fonts-6.0 Postscript fonts for Aladdin Ghostscript
openssh-2.5.2p2     Open Source Secure shell client and server (remote login program)
psiconv-0.8.2nb4    PSION 5 file format data conversion utilities
automake14-1.4.6    GNU Standards-compliant Makefile generator (old version)
watanabe-vfont-19930318 Watanabe-vector Japanese font
jade-1.2.1nb6       Object-oriented SGML/XML parser toolkit and DSSSL engine
gnome1-dirs-1.1     Shared GTK/GNOME (v1) directories
gettext-0.11.5nb1   tools for providing messages in different languages
teTeX-1.0.7nb2      Thomas Esser's TeX distribution for UNIX compatible systems
gnome-mime-data-2.0.1nb2 MIME and Application database for GNOME2
digest-20010308     message digest wrapper utility
texi2html-1.64      Texinfo-to-HTML direct translator
libtool-info-1.4.20010614nb13 Generic shared library support script - info pages
ORBit-0.5.15nb3     high-performance CORBA ORB with support for the C language
ispell-base-3.1.20nb1 Interactive spelling checker
p5-finance-quote-1.06 perl module to get stock quotes from Yahoo
suse_base-6.4nb2    Linux compatibility package
bzip2-1.0.1         Block-sorting file compressor
suse_compat-6.4     Linux compatibility package with old shared libraries
teTeX-bin-1.0.7nb2  TeX distribution for UNIX compatible systems - executables
suse_libc5-6.4      Linux compatibility package for libc5 binaries
suse_audio-6.4      Linux compatibility package for audio libraries
suse_libjpeg-6.4    Linux compatibility package for jpeg binary
suse_libpng-6.4     Linux compatibility package for png library
suse_x11-6.4        Linux compatibility package for X11 binaries
suse_xforms-6.4     Linux compatibility package for xforms binaries
suse_glx-6.4        Linux compatibility package for GLX binaries
suse_gtk-6.4        Linux compatibility package for GTK binaries
suse_linux-6.4      Linux compatibility package collection
gnucash-1.8.1       Personal double-entry accounting program
scrollkeeper-0.3.12 Open Document Cataloging Project
gal-0.22            Gnome Application Libraries
docbook-4.2         SGML DTD designed for computer documentation
xmlcatmgr-0.2       XML catalog manager
gtk+-1.2.10nb3      Gimp toolkit. Libraries for building X11 user interfaces
guile-gtk-0.19nb1   Library to make GTK accesible from guile
imlib-1.9.14nb2     image manipulation library for X11
cdk-4.9.9           Curses Development Kit
gdk-pixbuf-0.22.0   the GNOME image loading library
xlockmore-5.04      Like the XLock session locker/screen saver, but with more
transfig-3.2.4nb1   TeX document creation tool utilizing portable graphics
python20-2.0.1nb2   Interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language
ups-nut-0.45.5nb1   Network UPS Tools
pkgconfig-0.15.0    system for managing library compile/link flags
xfig-3.2.4nb1       CAD-like 2D drawing tool, good for colorful scale drawings & ISOs
gnome-core-1.4.2nb3 Base component of GNU Network Object Management Environment
iso8879-1986        Character entity sets from ISO 8879:1986 (SGML)
openssl-0.9.6g      Secure Socket Layer and cryptographic library
p5-Tk-800.024       Perl5 interface to Tk
teTeX-share-1.0.2nb1 Machine-independent part of teTeX
xmms-1.2.7nb4       X Multimedia System --- An audio player with a Winamp GUI
acroread-4.05       View, distribute and print PDF documents
p5-Digest-MD5-2.16  Perl5 extension interface for various message digest algorithms
p5-HTML-Tagset-3.03 perl5 module of data tables useful in parsing HTML
p5-HTML-Parser-3.25 perl5 module to parse HTML text documents
libwww-5.3.2nb3     The W3C Reference Library
pilotmgr-1.107.2nb1 synchronize databases on any 3Com Palm device
docbook-xml-4.2nb4  XML DTD designed for computer documentation
teTeX-sharesrc-1.0.1nb1 Sources for machine-independent part of teTeX
gimp-print-escputil-4.2.3 Epson Stylus inkjet printer tool
dsssl-docbook-modular-1.57 DSSSL stylesheets for the DocBook DTD by Norman Walsh
p5-pilot-link-0.11.7 perl bindings for pilot-link
intltool-0.25nb1    Toolbox for internationalisation
expat-1.95.2        XML parser library written in C
freetype-lib-1.3.1  TrueType font rendering engine and library API
setiathome-3.03     Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence - at home
ja-vflib-lib-2.24.2 Japanese Vector font library
ghostscript-6.01nb4 Aladdin Postscript interpreter
glibwww-0.2nb2      event register functions that use the glib event loop
gnupg-1.2.1nb1      Privacy Guard, public-Key encryption and digital signatures
gnome-libs- Libraries for the GNU Network Object Model Environment
plotutils-2.4.1nb1  Programs and library for plotting scientific data
Xaw3d-1.5           3-D widgets based on the Athena Widget set
gnome-print-0.36nb1 Prototype implementation of the Gnome Printing Architecture
gdk-pixbuf-gnome-0.22.0 the GNOME image loading library GNOME canvas support add-on
libmikmod-3.1.10    MikMod Sound Library
gcc-2.95.3          GNU Compiler Collection
libogg-      Ogg project codecs library
libvorbis-   Library for the Ogg Vorbis audio encoding format
GConf-1.0.9nb1      configuration database system used by GNOME
pdflib-4.0.3nb1     C library to produce PDF files
guile-slib-2.4.2nb1 SLIB installation for guile Scheme interpreter
bonobo-1.0.18nb3    Architecture for creating reusable software components
gnome-vfs-1.0.5     GNOME Virtual File System
control-center- GNOME control-center development library
soup-0.7.10nb2      callback-based mechanism for sending and servicing SOAP requests
libglade-0.17nb2    Runtime interpreter for GLADE gui files
xscreensaver-gnome-4.08 Screen saver and locker for the X window system (with GNOME support)
gtkhtml-1.1.7nb1    Lightweight HTML rendering/printing/editing engine
guppi-0.40.3nb2     Plot program with integrated statistics capabilities
gnuplot-3.7.3       gnuplot is a nice plotting utility
libusb-0.1.7        USB access library
libexif-0.5.9       EXIF file library
libgphoto2-2.1.1    digital camera access library
aalib-    ASCII Art library
