Subject: irDA problems
To: '' <>
From: Ohgren, Daniel [Non-Employee/0454] <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 03/12/2003 11:03:37
having troubles with birda and irdaframe.
I'm rather new to all *BSD's when running Linux and M$ for a while. Now I'm
trying to send small packets between 2 serial dongles (BSD to Linux).
I have checked that irframe is attached to an tty (after irdaattach -d
tekram /dev/tty01) with dmesg which shows:
irframe0: SIR
irframe0 attached at tty01
This looks OK right...?
And if I run "irs -v 2 -t" or similar (I have Tekram 210B dongles) I get:
Cannot open port /dev/irframe0
The strange thing is that if I run irs as a daemon in the background I can
ping the machine from the Linux-box and even send connectionless packets to
it via "irda-utils" and "send_ultra".
But not even start a IrComm server on the BSD-box with "ircomm -v 2"...
Somebody help me...?