Subject: Re: Trying to update Sendmail - What am I doing wrong?
To: Peter C. Wallace <>
From: Paul Hoffman <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 03/04/2003 11:41:59
At 11:31 AM -0800 3/4/03, Peter C. Wallace wrote:
>I've not used CVS with NetBSD before, and I am trying to patch the security
>issue with sendmail. If I try the CVS instructions on the web page I get:
>freeby:/usr/src# cvs update -d -P -r netbsd-1-6 gnu/dist/sendmail/sendmail
>cvs server: Updating gnu/dist/sendmail/sendmail
>cvs server: cannot open directory /cvsroot/gnusrc/gnu/dist/sendmail/sendmail:
>No such file or directory
>cvs server: skipping directory gnu/dist/sendmail/sendmail

Many of us want to know the answer to this. It's really hard to have 
security patches sent by a mechanism that doesn't work with 
out-of-the-box 1.6 distribution.

FWIW, another BSD distribution does the patching by FTP instead of 
CVS, and that has worked flawlessly. No CVS hassles, no magic 
handshakes that change over time, and so on.

--Paul Hoffman