Subject: Re: debugging help: nas enabled mpg123 sounds slow and scratchy?
To: Scott Presnell <>
From: Greg A. Woods <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 02/28/2003 14:43:18
[ On Friday, February 28, 2003 at 10:45:23 (-0800), Scott Presnell wrote: ]
> Subject: debugging help: nas enabled mpg123 sounds slow and scratchy?
> I'm running NetBSD 1.5.2 with NAS 1.6 as compiled from the
> NetBSD package system, and I'm trying mpg123-nas also
> from the package system (Paul: I'll say upfront that I've
> tried w/ and /wo your audio_nas.c patches)

First off:  What CPU are you using?  How much RAM do you have?  Is your
system paging while playing MP3s?

Secondly:  Why are you trying to play MP3s via NAS to the same host
you're running mpg123 and the NAS server on?  (I'm not saying that's
wrong, or that it won't work -- I just want to know your rationale
because unless there some reason you didn't mention clearly then why
would you spend all those extra resources needed to do it that way?)

FYI I've not had any problem with mpg123-nas when playing to my NCD HMX.
I even had some success when running the player on an SS1+.

								Greg A. Woods

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