Subject: Re: PR 17107: NFS kernel panic
To: None <>
From: Christos Zoulas <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 02/12/2003 00:52:50
In article <>,
Alan Post <> wrote:
>In article <>, Alan Post wrote:
>> In article <>, Christos Zoulas wrote:
>>> Try changing:
>>>         if ((nmp->nm_flag & NFSMNT_NQNFS) && np->n_timer.cqe_next != 0) {
>>> to:
>>>         if (np->n_timer.cqe_next != 0 && (nmp->nm_flag & NFSMNT_NQNFS)) {
>>> [yes this looks stupid, but I have the suspicion that nmp is invalid somehow
>>>  and since you are not using leases, the timer will always be empty...]
>> Thanks.  I'll give this a shot on Monday when I have physical access
>> to the box (panic on remote machine == bad :).
>So far, so good.  With the above patch, last night the machine
>survived /etc/daily, including find_core, with amd enabled.

Grr, I would be lying to you if I said I would be happy that this is the
case. It seems that we are forgetting to lock the mountlist somewhere, it
gets free'd and then we access it. Did you get a core dump of the last
