Subject: Re: delete/backspace problem
To: Nathan Langford <njl@SDF.LONESTAR.ORG>
From: Perry E. Metzger <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 02/10/2003 12:22:33
Nathan Langford <njl@SDF.LONESTAR.ORG> writes:
> I'm having an issue with the delete key on my macppc.  Following advice in
> the macppc FAQ, I added "xmodmap -e keycode 59 = BackSpace" in my .xinitrc
> file.  However, my web browser interprets the key as a forward-delete not
> a backspace, and vi inserts a ^? rather than backspace.

The latter can be fixed in your xterms by doing an "stty erase ^?"
which tells the thing that your erase character is del and not
backspace. Dunno about the rest, but if you're using mozilla you can
probably manage it with some sort of resource hack.
