Subject: Package suggestion: Dynamic DNS update client
To: None <>
From: Russell Hanneken <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 02/04/2003 18:27:00
I wonder if someone smarter than I am could packagize's Dynamic
DNS update client?
The so-called "Linux" version compiles on all flavors of BSD; you can
download it here:
(The documentation at says you have to
patch the source to make it build on *BSD, but that's actually no longer
true--see the comments in the source file noip.c.)
The FreeBSD ports collection includes it; see
The FreeBSD port maintainer seems to have written some patches for it, and
he made it so it runs under its own user/group id. He also wrote his own
version of the startup/shutdown script (the Linux version doesn't work on
FreeBSD or NetBSD--at least the shutdown part doesn't).
It's a fairly simple program. If anyone could turn it into a NetBSD
package, I'd be eternally grateful.
Russell Hanneken