Subject: Sendmail and /etc/hosts or DNS
To: None <>
From: Randy Beaudreault <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 01/21/2003 16:53:56
I'm trying to set up sendmail on my system, NetBSD 1.6, but I'm
running into this problem:
Guardian: {141} sendmail -v maccult
WARNING: local host name (Guardian) is not qualified; fix $j in config file
I also get the following upon startup or restart of sendmail via it's
rc.d script:
Jan 21 16:34:22 Guardian sendmail[7289]: My unqualified host name
(Guardian) unk
nown; sleeping for retry
Jan 21 16:35:22 Guardian sendmail[7289]: unable to qualify my own
domain name (G
uardian) -- using short name
This is easy enough for me to understand since I don't have any
fqdn's in my /etc/hosts file. How can I get sendmail to regard my
/etc/hosts as my local network or can I?
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