Subject: Re: Problems installing
To: None <>
From: Milos Negovanovic <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 01/10/2003 11:33:21

Ive had the similar probs first time i installed netbsd, and basically
once u get to know how the netbsd's labeling/partitioning  works all
problems disappear.

1. u need one separate partition for installing netbsd (partition here refers to partition as we know it from DOS/M$ world)
2. u need to divide previously mentioned "partition" into smaller peaces (eg. a,b,e,f.....)
3. those "smaller pieces" are used for:
	a for /
	b for swap
	e,f.... for whatever separate stuff u want (/var, /usr)
4. looking from "outside" netbsd "lives" on only one partition (partition here refers to partition as we know it from DOS/M$ world)

as i said once u get the whole thing all probs disappear.
