Subject: Re: corrupted pkg database
To: Jan Schaumann <>
From: Lubos Vrbka <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 01/07/2003 19:22:00
> cd /usr/pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkg_install
> cvs update -dP
> make install
> and try again?
> (Make sure you get rev 1.3 of pkg_install/files/admin/main.c)

/*      $NetBSD: main.c,v 1.4 2003/01/07 16:43:56 jschauma Exp $        */
this is rev 1.4, right? i got this from the cvs update just now... dont'
know how to get rev 1.3 file...

i tried to do this - i was then able to remove some application (i tried
xosview). it worked fine so i tried to make update fluxbox - finished with
the same error - crashed on x11-links-0.8 package... now, i can't uninstall
anything anymore. i get the pkgdb error:

pkg_delete: cannot open pkgdb: Undefined error: 0

what more, i experienced new error: if i run pkg_info, i get the following:
snail# pkg_info | grep pov
pkg_info: show_file: can't open '+COMMENT' for reading
povray-3.1gnb1      Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer

what's bad? btw what's the file /var/db/pkg/pkgdb.byfile.db good for? it
currently has zero size :o(

i still have the older version of pkgsrc, but the problems with cvs
persist - it isn't upgrading the directiories (even with cvs up -dP :o((( i
think some part of the problem could be caused by something connected with
cvs :o(


Lubos Vrbka
National Centre for Biomolecular Research
Masaryk university, Brno, Czech Republic
tel. +420 541 129 508