Subject: Re: VMWare on NetBSD
To: Jeff Flowers <>
From: Lubos Vrbka <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 01/04/2003 18:41:53
> Is anyone using VMWare on NetBSD? I was wondering if it works as well
> as it does on Linux. I might be able to convince my boss at work
> to let me run NetBSD on my computer but I will need to run a couple
> of apps that require Windows and I was thinking that VMWare might be
> the answer for me.
> Thanks in advance,

i was playing with it a little bit. i installed it on several machines and
some of my colleagues continue to use it. i don't know how does it work on
linux. i didn't have any problems on my p4, 1800mhz. my colleagues run it on
p3, 1000mhz, but sometimes it's little bit slower - you have to be patient
(especially if you want to run netscape, word, corel, powerpoint, and some
other cpu and memory "eaters" at the same time :o)).

we're running win2k under the emulation, on virtual drives only - i did not
try to start it on existing windoze partition, but it should work. 256 mb of
ram is assigned to the virtual machine (96 megs should be enough for the
win98). the binary itself has got some limitations (for example virtual
drive can be maximally 2047 mb large - linux ext2fs limit - but you can have
4 of them (or 3 virtual disks and cdrom). bridged networking mode did not
work, but you can easily do a workaround using nat and the network is the
fine (and you then don't need to have separate ip and name for your virtual

i could send you little installation and setup HOWTO if you would be
