Subject: Re: disks keep running
To: Jeremy C. Reed <>
From: Mipam <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 09/19/2002 01:21:41
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Disposition: inline

I tried the suggestions.
I removed the squid dirs etc and rebuild the dirs.
After it didnt worked i killed squid.
I killed most processes, see the process list.
I'll also add the fstat -u from me and root.
I still cant find the process which keeps occupying one of my disks.
Any hints?


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root       417  0.0  0.3   288  216 E0  R+    1:15AM    0:00.00 ps -waux 
root         1  0.0  0.3   252  172 ??  Is   12:44AM    0:00.02 init 
root         2  0.0 15.7     0 10248 ??  DL   12:44AM    0:00.00 (pagedaemon)
root         3  0.0 15.7     0 10248 ??  DL   12:44AM    0:00.03 (reaper)
root       185  0.0  1.3  1064  868 E0  Ss   12:44AM    0:00.34 -tcsh 
mipam      186  0.0  1.3  1020  832 E1  Is+  12:44AM    0:00.11 -tcsh 
root       187  0.0  0.7    48  460 E2  Is+  12:44AM    0:00.02 /usr/libexec/getty Pc ttyE2 
root       188  0.0  0.7    48  460 E3  Is+  12:44AM    0:00.02 /usr/libexec/getty Pc ttyE3 
root         0  0.0 15.7     0 10248 ??  DLs  12:44AM    0:00.00 (swapper)

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USER     CMD          PID   FD MOUNT      INUM MODE         SZ|DV R/W
root     fstat        425   wd /home    482200 drwxr-xr-x     512 r 
root     fstat        425    0 /          4956 crw--w----   ttyE0 rw
root     fstat        425    1 /home    482131 -rw-r--r--       0 w 
root     fstat        425    2 /          4956 crw--w----   ttyE0 rw
root     fstat        425    3 /          4005 crw-r-----     mem r 
root     fstat        425    4 /          4004 crw-r-----    kmem r 
root     fstat        425    5 /          4003 crw-r-----    drum r 
root     fstat        425    6 /var      17444 -rw-r--r--  327680 r 
root     fstat        425    7 /         15961 -rw-------   40960 r 
root     getty        188   wd /             2 drwxr-xr-x     512 r 
root     getty        188    0 /          4959 crw-------   ttyE3 rw
root     getty        188    1 /          4959 crw-------   ttyE3 rw
root     getty        188    2 /          4959 crw-------   ttyE3 rw
root     getty        187   wd /             2 drwxr-xr-x     512 r 
root     getty        187    0 /          4958 crw-------   ttyE2 rw
root     getty        187    1 /          4958 crw-------   ttyE2 rw
root     getty        187    2 /          4958 crw-------   ttyE2 rw
root     tcsh         185   wd /home    482200 drwxr-xr-x     512 r 
root     tcsh         185   15 /          4956 crw--w----   ttyE0 rw
root     tcsh         185   16 /          4956 crw--w----   ttyE0 rw
root     tcsh         185   17 /          4956 crw--w----   ttyE0 rw
root     tcsh         185   18 /          4956 crw--w----   ttyE0 rw
root     tcsh         185   19 /          4956 crw--w----   ttyE0 rw
root     reaper         3   wd /             2 drwxr-xr-x     512 r 
root     pagedaemon     2   wd /             2 drwxr-xr-x     512 r 
root     init           1   wd /             2 drwxr-xr-x     512 r 
root     swapper        0   wd /             2 drwxr-xr-x     512 r 

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USER     CMD          PID   FD MOUNT      INUM MODE         SZ|DV R/W
mipam    tcsh         186   wd /home     63488 drwx------    7168 r 
mipam    tcsh         186   15 /          4957 crw--w----   ttyE1 rw
mipam    tcsh         186   16 /          4957 crw--w----   ttyE1 rw
mipam    tcsh         186   17 /          4957 crw--w----   ttyE1 rw
mipam    tcsh         186   18 /          4957 crw--w----   ttyE1 rw
mipam    tcsh         186   19 /          4957 crw--w----   ttyE1 rw
