Subject: Re: how to get bind9 named to load at boot w/ /usr/pkg on it's own partition???
To: Mark E. Perkins <>
From: Lubomir Sedlacik <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 09/08/2002 22:48:40
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On Sun, Sep 08, 2002 at 03:02:54PM -0400, Mark E. Perkins wrote:
> as the solution to my problem. This must be a 1.6 variable, as my
> rc.conf(5) man page (for 1.5.4_ALPHA) makes not mention of it (and
> setting it doesn't work). OTOH, my rc.conf(5) man page does mention
> "critical_filesystems_beforenet" with similar text to what Lubomir
> pasted.  And setting
> critical_filesystems_beforenet=3D"/usr/pkg"
> gets me where I want to be.

oh, yes.  you are right.  this was changed some time ago in revision
1.34 of /etc/defaults/rc.conf:

  date: 2002/03/27 08:53:39;  author: lukem;  state: Exp;  lines: +5 -5
  Replace  $critical_filesystems_beforenet  with  $critical_filesystems_loc=
al .
  Replace  $critical_filesystems            with  $critical_filesystems_rem=
ote .

  The new names are now consistent with the type argument that
  mount_critical_filesystems() is called with, and allows for other types to
  be easily supported by that function.

  For backwards compatibility purposes, if the now obsolete variable is def=
  (even empty), it takes precedence over the new form, and you will be warn=
  If you want to stop the warnings, update your rc.conf(5) settings!

sorry for the fuzz.


-- Lubomir Sedlacik <>   ASCII Ribbon campaign against  /"\=
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