Subject: Re: When SMP in formal release? Which OS? Virtual mailboxes
To: Perry E. Metzger <>
From: Charles Shannon Hendrix <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 05/31/2002 21:15:46
On Fri, May 31, 2002 at 01:30:54PM -0400, Perry E. Metzger wrote:
> Charles Shannon Hendrix <> writes:
> > > It is hard to give time estimates. However, the i386 MP code should be
> > > integrated into the head very soon, which means the next formal
> > > release after 1.6 will almost certainly have it.
> > 
> > Do you see this release as being better than early SMP code for Linux
> > and FreeBSD?
> We're pretty fanatical in these parts about quality. That said, it is
> hard to predict what a release will be like before it is
> done. Certainly our intent is not to release junk, though.

Oh, I expect quality from NetBSD, which is why it sits on my servers,
thought it does encourage laziness on my part.

Mostly, I am curious because my planned upgrade of Sun servers will
have to move to Solaris.  Recent talk about NetBSD SMP coming out has
me hoping this doesn't have to be so.

But, if NetBSD SMP is going to be a slow thing like the other projects,
there isn't much point in making plans in that direction.

If it's not running yet, then obviously no one can make any comparisons.

It's easier with Intel/AMD hardware, because I have more OS choices that are
OK with me (Linux and FreeBSD).  
