Subject: Re: Instability problems, system crashing.
To: Greg Oster <>
From: Ricardo Junior <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 05/23/2002 15:54:50
> >       When I was finishing the "system checkup", I closed the open 
> sessions and
> > went back to the login screen. To verify if I had forgotten any consoles
> > open, I switched the ttyE's with CTRL+ALT+F1/2/3/4 (fast, holding ctrl+alt
> > and pressing "f1 f2 f3 f4" very fast). What happened? The kernel 
> stopped again.
> >       I didn't have the time to write down a full stack trace. There 
> were many
> > people complaining. The message was: Stopped at cpu_Debugger +0x4 leave.
>Ummmmm..... You wern't typing so fast that you didn't accidentally hit
>CTRL-ALT-ESC, did you?  (The above "message" certainly indicates that...)

         My bad. :) I even though in this possibility, really. However, 
feature is news to me. Also, being angry for that crashes and the 
surrounding microsoft people, all I wanted was to put the server back again 
to do it's work.

>(I have no guesses as to what caused the second crash -- more info (like the
>full stack trace) is needed...)

         Well, I guess I won't realise what happened unless the server 
crashes again. In spite of the necessity of finding out the problem, I 
guess I prefer to never know what happened.. :/
