Subject: Re: xmh/nmh - was: Backgrounds in X
To: Robert Elz <kre@munnari.OZ.AU>
From: Richard Rauch <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 05/22/2002 02:43:09
> | I found exmh later this afternoon. It looks nice. I couldn't find the
> | config options for pgp/gpg, though,
> You need to have PGP installed (one version or another) and configured
Hm. I thought that I had set up pgp or gpg for toying around since
upgrading to 1.5.2. Maybe not, or maybe I cleaned out the configuration.
Well, that would explain that, in any case.
> I suspect you're seeing messages about not being able to talk to the back end
> xhost stuff ("xhost -") and make sure you are using xauth security.
> The latter is easy using xdm, then it is just a matter of (perhaps)
> "xhost -" to disable any host based access).
I don't care for xdm. (^& But that shouldn't prevent me from sorting out
xauth if I care.
> | It also wanted some things like rplay (it even
> | had the /usr/pkg/bin/rplay pathname, I think) which were not marked as
> | dependancies in the pkgsrc Makefile.
> "wanted" is too strong I think. exmh is an example of a package done
> just right. It will use lots of other things if they're installed,
I'm not sure that I agree that it's ``just right''. If we had some kind
of soft dependancies in the package system, these could be listed there,
and not installing them would be fine.
I can see reasons for not making real pkgsrc dependancies against all of
the frills that it can use, but it's not an ideal situation.
> | Still, it looks nice. A bit slow, but cute.
> It shouldn't be slow, though it will be better once the exmh people
> make a release out of the code that is in their cvs repository - a few
> things that are slow have been cleaned up).
> But xmh / exmh style interface, with nmh running to do all the real work,
> and a file per message, is always going to be slower that some other mail
I mean the exmh windows flashing about are sluggish, not crisp as
everything else is on my system. (Sluggish is a relative concept, and it
may be more perceptual than real---I think that exmh is prone to opening
windows at the wrong size and resizing them. That's the flickering
impression that's delivered, anyway.) This is visually annoying. (This
is what I mean by ``a bit'' slow.)
I only have a few hundred email messages in my mailbox, from when my home
machine had a static IP. So far, the nmh access to that is quite
``I probably don't know what I'm talking about.''