, <netbsd-help@netbsd.org>
From: Richard Rauch <rauch@rice.edu>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 05/14/2002 17:44:27
Re. http://mail-index.netbsd.org/netbsd-help/2002/05/14/0003.html
...I'm not sure if EMACS supports a meta-key on the default NetBSD/i386
text console. But, doesn't an <ESC> prefix serve the same purpose?
(Why the i386 wscons <Alt> key doesn't function as a Meta in EMACS, I
don't know. You might be able to map it to something that EMACS likes, or
get EMACS to pay attention to it. Certainly, *outside* of EMACS, the
<Alt> key functions on the NetBSD/i386 wscons. I don't know what EMACS is
looking for, though.)
Then again, you could just give up and configure/use X. (^&
(Under X, at least on my i386, the ``windows'' keys act as Meta's. Again,
I don't understand why the <Alt>'s aren't used---if I try to use an
<Alt>-qualified key, EMACS just beeps at me, so it doesn't seem to *use*
<Alt> for anything; why not use <Alt> for Meta, since <Alt> s more
ubiquitous than the ``Windows'' keys?)
Anyway, I'm not sure how much that helps, but maybe it'll be worth
something to you. (^&
``I probably don't know what I'm talking about.'' --rauch@math.rice.edu