Subject: Re: Question about scripts in /usr/pkg/etc/rc.d
To: David S. <>
From: Andrew Brown <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 05/13/2002 18:23:45
>> > You could change the line
>> >
>> > files=`rcorder -s nostart /etc/rc.d/*`
>> >
>> > in '/etc/rc' to
>> >
>> > files=`rcorder -s nostart /etc/rc.d/* /usr/pkg/etc/rc.d/*`
>> Of course, then you have to maintain that in each revision of netbsd
>> as you upgrade, which is a big pain.
>No harder than maintaining the other '/etc' files you've modified.
true, but the less you modify, the less you have to upgrade. rc is
defined to be the system startup script. rc.local is defined to be
the place where you put your stuff. rc may change between releases,
requiring you to hand upgrade it. rc.local almost certainly will not.
therefore, add this to your rc.local and you should be okay:
files=`rcorder -s nostart /etc/rc.d/* /usr/pkg/etc/rc.d/*`
for file in $files; do
case "$file" in
$file start
putting /etc/rc.d there and then ignoring it all gets the ordering
more proper, and eliminates all the complaints that you get from
rcorder about things being required but not provided (eg DAEMON).
|-----< "CODE WARRIOR" >-----| * "ah! i see you have the internet (Andrew Brown) that goes *ping*!" * "information is power -- share the wealth."