Subject: Re: Emacs Package Question
To: Jeff Flowers <>
From: Perry E. Metzger <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 05/12/2002 21:17:24
Jeff Flowers <> writes:
> > $ emacs --help | grep "\-nw"
> > --no-windows, -nw don't communicate with X, ignoring $DISPLAY
> I just tried "emacs -nw" and "emacs --no-windows" and I still got the
> message. I don't understand why pkg_add allowed me to do this when I don't
> have X installed.
Because pkg_add has no way of knowing if things that it does not know
about have been installed or not. In particular, the pkg system does
not know about X, and the pkg emacses assume that X is
installed. Rebuild the thing on your own from pkgsrc instead of
installing the binary package.
The person who told you to try -nw wasn't thinking -- if a program
wants a shared library, no parms you can pass it could ever change the
fact that it won't run without that library.
> I'm frustrated with this, so I am considering removing Emacs and installing
> from pkgsrc, as I currently have comp.tgz installed, but now I can't get sup
> to work right.
Why are you trying to use SUP? Just download the pkgsrc tar file from
the ftp site and go...
Perry E. Metzger
NetBSD: The right OS for your embedded design.