Subject: Re: Problems compiling 1.5.3 userland
To: Tracy Nelson <>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 04/29/2002 12:02:51
* Tracy Nelson <> [020425 19:52]:
> OK, found out I was tracking -current instead of 1.5.3 (doh!). So now I
> supped all the 1.5.3 kernel and userland sources. Built a 1.5.3 kernel all
> right, but when I try to build userland (libcom_err, specifically) I get a
> "strlcpy.c:35:namespace.h: no such file or directory" error. I've tried it
> both with and without the "UPDATE=1" flag. Any idea what I'm doing wrong
> here?
I fixed this by copying /usr/src/include/namespeace.h
to /usr/include.
(I was trying to do a first buidworld after installing
1.5.3-RC1, nothing to d owith current).
Rasputin :: Jack of All Trades - Master of Nuns