Subject: Re: NetBSD Release/vi Questions
To: netbsd-help <>
From: Thomas Mueller <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 04/25/2002 08:41:14
Robert Elz wrote:
> The NetBSD "vi" is "nvi", which is pretty close to the original. Forget
> "vim", that's rubbish ("improved" indeed!)
Chris Wareham responded:
> I'm not disputing that vim may be rubbish - I've never looked at the
> source code - but could you qualify in what way it's rubbish? I use
> vim every working day on my Linux machine at work, and haven't
> ever experienced a single crash. The default RedHat version's a
> little bloated on the feature front, but that's the only place I can
> fault it.
Where can I find documentation regarding nvi and how it differs from elvis or
vim? I can't get to NetBSD partition now, can't run nvi ("pckbc: command
timeout" which is not nvi-related but prevents me from getting there), so I
can't simply look and see what's there. I have been running vim 6 and
elvis 2.1.4 Linux and DOS versions, elvis much more than vim because vim 6 DOS
version had a bug making it practically impossible to edit two or more files
concurrently, and I haven't checked yet to see if the Linux version had the
same bug. I am in elvis 2.1.4 DOS version as I type this. Regarding nvi, I'm
afraid I might try something I'm accustomed to in elvis and find it ain't there
in nvi.
I am not ready to agree or disagree on whether vim is rubbish, having not tried
the Linux version sufficiently or checked the updates, but elvis 2.1.4
installation is about 1/6 the size of vim 6 installation.