Subject: what's up with the gcc compiler (NetBSD 1.4.1)?
To: None <>
From: village idiot <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 04/24/2002 07:13:10
Hello good people!
Does anyone know if the gcc compiler on NetBSD 1.4.1
is a bit screwy?
Here I am, doing my coding, nice day outside, sun is
shining, expecting things to be difficult but not
weird. What do I do?
First I compile my module, which links to several
other modules. I get some error messages, which is not
too seldom for me ;-) Then I fix this errors, or so I
think. Then I do a make clean, to do it all over. But
now, when I run make, I get these weird error
"Undefined symbol [...] referenced from text segment"
What is up? I have tried googling a bit, but so far to
no avail. I am a bit dense I think.
Does anyone know if there is a gcc bug which could
cause this? Or is it just me. And if it is a gcc bug,
what to do?
Thanks for any help. Cheers!
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