Subject: Re: inquiry
To: None <>
From: Thomas Mueller <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 04/21/2002 21:55:52
If I want to download everything in a directory by FTP, or everything that can
be specified in a wild-card expression, then I can mget *, or mget *.tgz, as the
case may be. But if I only want to download part, that is where scripted FTP is
useful. I'd have to see the directory to see what I need.
I could download both the installation kernel to use with DOSBOOT, and the
generic kernel, to see if they both boot. I was able to install NetBSD 1.5.2
from CD, but not successfully boot from the hard disk so far
(pckbc: command timeout), though I haven't attempted in perhaps a month. Then
I'd know whether to go further and buy NetBSD 1.5.3 CDs (probably wait for the
release if I buy CDs, I don't think snapshots would be available) or download.
One thing the installation instructions failed to make clear, regarding
installation by FTP, was whether the downloaded files would be saved, or
expanded on the fly without saving. I certainly don't want to risk losing
everything if the Internet connection is interrupted.
I don't think my ISP supports SLIP, believe very few ISPs support SLIP. Why
does the installation system support SLIP but not PPP? Is SLIP substantially