Subject: Beginner C Programming Questions
To: None <>
From: Jeff Flowers <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 04/19/2002 11:32:13
I am starting to pursue C programming. I will be using NetBSD 1.5.2 at home
for this, so I will have to install the developers stuff; I usually do not.
So, I have some questions:
1. I know that NetBSD uses the GNU compiler but what about make? Does GNU's
make (gmake?) come with the system or does NetBSD use the BSD make combined
with GNU's compiler? (I assume that the libraries included with NetBSD is
not the GNU C library.)
2. I have just become aware of a tool called Lint, which sounds useful. Is
Lint included with the developer tools or is that a separate package? I have
also become aware that there is more the one Lint-style program to choose
from. Is there any consensus on what to use?
3. I have the K&R book (ANSI/2nd edition) and it shows an example of
compiling a program with cc. According to the book, the compiler will create
an executable named a.out. Is this still correct or will I end up with
something different?
(By the way, NetBSD went from a.out to ELF. Is this a coincidental name?)
Thanks. I am sure that I will be asking even more silly questions in the
Jeff Flowers