Subject: Re: scp authorized keys
To: None <>
From: village idiot <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 04/13/2002 19:38:51
Update on my own foolishness:
I actually found out I was right the first time, only
problem was that I was so dense I had the wrong ssh
version. Therefor my key files looked like a mess.
I installed new ssh, with pkgsrc. Ran ssh-keygen
(unable to run any -t option there). Generated a key
(used an empty passfrase, seeing how it is sort of a
closed system), then copied from machine
A to machine B (renamed it there to authorized_keys,
or added to already existing authorized_keys). And now
I am able to ssh and scp at my hearts content, without
needing to type in a silly password :-)
Thank you all for guiding a poor ignorant fool.
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