Subject: Re: netbsd probs on compaq armada
To: None <>
From: Peter Seebach <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 04/12/2002 17:50:35
In message <20020412222251.GA1354@localhost>, Mipam writes:
>I've seen the improvements which has been made up till now
>and to the ex code. However, these changes didnt affect the 3c575c-tx card
>which i have. I've tried the 1.5.3_RC1 and im still facing the same problems.
FWIW, my mom's laptop is a Compaq with the "everything on IRQ11" feature. The
only outstanding problems I recall are:
1. I was occasionally able to get X to draw the cursor about 30 pixels off from
where it was actually pointing.
2. 100% reliably, on shutdown from X, the console's color map is screwed.
Note that the latter also happens on my Compaq IPAQ IA-1, which uses the same
video chipset.