Subject: pkgsrc Makefiles
To: None <>
From: Matt Herzog <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 04/09/2002 17:36:34
I wanted to make sure dpms support is uilt in when I compile xlockmore
on NetBSD 1.5.3_RC1. Staring at the Makefile in /usr/pkgsrc/x11/xlockmore
made me realize I have no idea how it works. To clarify, I want to uild
xlockmore from pkgsrc, not y scratch and I need to know jow to edit the
pkgsrc Makefile for xlockmore so that it will give me:
1. No sound support at all. (Who needs it?)
2. dpms support
There are references to sounds and dpms in the Makefile but I can't tell
if they are enabling or disabling either.
Matthew Herzog
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