Subject: Re: Two X servers running simultaneously using wscons
To: James K. Lowden <>
From: Andrew Brown <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 04/09/2002 02:26:17
>> >Can anyone tell me why my prompt in
>> >xterms doesn't reflect the prompt in my .profile? When I log in, I get
>> >a prompt like "$", but every xterm starts
>> >off with "bash-2.04$ " until I issue ". .profile".
>> the latest bash (2.05) doesn't seem to read .profile. the easy
>> solution is to add ". .profile" to the bottom of your .bashrc.
>Thanks for the tip, Andrew.
>At the moment, I don't even have a .bashrc. If I log in at the console or
>via ssh from another box, I get the expected prompt. It's only the xterms
>that pick up the default bash prompt. I would have thought I'm doing
>something silly in my .xinitrc or something that's goofing up the
>environment before X starts. Or am I being dense? more thing. try xterm -ls instead of just plain xterm. when
you login at the console or ssh in, you're logging in. when you start
an xterm, you're not. the -ls option tells the xterm to pretend it's
a login shell instead of a regular subshell.
>Just for giggles, I've attached a comparison of the two environments.
hmm...the SHLVL is different. that might be a bit of it.
|-----< "CODE WARRIOR" >-----| * "ah! i see you have the internet (Andrew Brown) that goes *ping*!" * "information is power -- share the wealth."