Subject: RE: Seeing Windows "extended" partitions
To: Sporleder, Matthew \(CCI-Atlanta\) <>
From: Rohan Nicholls <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 04/05/2002 15:28:17
Thanks for the advice I am checking it out now, looks great. As to the =
disklabel question, I can see windows and the extended partition but =
cannot see the three partitions resident on that partition, will =
mbrlabel help with that?
Thanks, Rohan
-----Original Message-----
From: Sporleder, Matthew (CCI-Atlanta) =
Sent: vrijdag 5 april 2002 12:22
To: Rohan Nicholls; bsd-help (E-mail)
Subject: RE: Seeing Windows "extended" partitions
Check with ximian software for an outlook replacement ( =
They have a non-free plug-in for evolution that should do the trick. =
I'm not sure on ximian's BSD support, however. So that will be =
something interesting for you to learn about. :)
read into the "mbrlabel" command for an easy way to edit your disklabel =
to see windows. If that doesn't work,
try manually doing it with "disklabel"
-Matthew Sporleder
-----Original Message-----
From: Rohan Nicholls []
Sent: Friday, April 05, 2002 5:04 AM
To: bsd-help (E-mail)
Subject: Seeing Windows "extended" partitions
I am a newbie to netbsd, and *nixes in general for that matter. On the =
plus side the little I have dealt with *nix systems as opposed to =
windows has strengthened my commitment to migrating hopefully =
permanently, but I have some questions as well.
My work is run using Windows servers, and the mail and calendar are =
handled by Exchange. Is there something that can replace outlook client =
for *nixes, as it would be handy to be able to store my mails on the =
harddrive for off line access, and as most of my mails are on the =
harddrive it would be nice to be able to find something that can read =
the outlook files and convert them to needed formats if it is necessary.
The other question has to do with the hard drive partitioning. I =
partitioned the harddrive, but all the useful information on the windows =
side is kept in the "extended" partition. With the NetBSD fdisk, I can =
see the partition but not into it. Is there a way to see into the =
partition? I have read the i386 FAQ's and the NetBSD guide (which is =
excellent, I must add), but there is nothing that I have found referring =
to this problem, or do I need to redo my harddrive and copy all the data =
onto a primary partition?
I would also like to apologise for sending any html emails before. I =
thought it was set to plain text, but checked yesterday and this does =
not seem to be so.
Thanks in advance,