Subject: zoneinfo info
To: None <>
From: Michael G. Schabert <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 04/05/2002 02:25:20
Hi guys,
Someone on a MacOSX list I'm on recently posted with a problem WRT
localtime that I'm hoping someone here can help with. There's nothing
useful in any docs or manpages that I've found (man 5 tzfile doesn't
tell me how to get human-readable info from ZI files, nor what
utility is used to generate them).
At any rate, the user is in Reunion Island. They're UTC+4, and there
is no observance of daylight savings time (summer time). In previous
MacOSes, there was a DST checkbox. With OSX being
{free|net}BSD-based, it has a symlink in /etc/localtime for a
/usr/share/zoneinfo file (the zi hierarchy looked like my NetBSD
ones). Does anyone know of a zoneinfo file that would fit the bill
for GMT+4 with no DST, or would someone be willing to write one or
tell me what utility I should use to write the binary file? I would
imagine that the file would be simple since it wouldn't need the
complexities needed for DST.
Thanks for any info in advance,
Bikers don't *DO* taglines.