Subject: Re: number lock on boot
To: Dave Huang <>
From: Mirko Thiesen <thiesi@ReLink.NetWorkXXIII.Sytes.NET>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 04/02/2002 23:58:33
On Tue, 2 Apr 2002, Dave Huang wrote:
> On Tue, 2 Apr 2002, wrote:
> > wsconsctl -w ledstate=2
> > in /etc/rc.local or whereever.
> That turns on the NumLock LED, but doesn't turn on the NumLock
> functionality. I'm sorta curious about how to do this too; I looked
> through the source briefly and didn't see any way to do it.
Just out of interest: Why would anybody want a function to turn on the
NumLock LED without actually turning on the NumLock function? Simply
because it's possible?
Bye, K&K,
thiesi@NetWork23.Sytes.NET ---- NetBSD: Power to the people!
Tel.: ++49-(0)171-416 05 09 -- Fax: ++49-(0)171-134 16 05 09
Mirko Thiesen, P.O. Box 26 03 54, D-13413 Berlin, W. Germany
"We're with you all the way, mostly"