Subject: Re: Really annoying package situation
To: Tracy Nelson <>
From: Mirko Thiesen <thiesi@ReLink.NetWorkXXIII.Sytes.NET>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 04/01/2002 00:43:52
On Sun, 31 Mar 2002, Tracy Nelson wrote:
> I recently did a sup. I hadn't done this for a month or so. When I tried
> to make the new mozilla (0.9.9), I got build errors saying various packages
> were installed, but newer versions were in pkgsrc. Is there some command I
> can use that will automatically rebuild any necessary packages? Right now
How du you build your packages? Usually a "make update" should take care
of newer packages that are needed in order to build the one(s) you
actually want to install. In my experience this mechanism works really
Bye, K&K,
thiesi@NetWork23.Sytes.NET ---- NetBSD: Power to the people!
Tel.: ++49-(0)171-416 05 09 -- Fax: ++49-(0)171-134 16 05 09
Mirko Thiesen, P.O. Box 26 03 54, D-13413 Berlin, W. Germany
"We're with you all the way, mostly"