Subject: Re: DHCP Configuration Problems
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 03/26/2002 18:44:35
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On Tue, Mar 26, 2002 at 05:34:20PM +0000, Gene ENonymous wrote:
> I have attempted to set up a DHCP client to communicate with
> my cable modem service. I have a mac68k box (Centris 650)
> with 40M ram, 2G HD, 1.5.2 binary install and 2 ethernet interfaces.
> DHCP works fine with a Win98 box, so I figured it would be a
> breeze to get it working with NetBSD 1.5.2 (the FAQ says so!).
> Unfortunately, here I am writing to help....
> The first thing I did was to verify that I could configure both
> ethernet interfaces onto my local network. The allowed me to
> test the interface functionality and the cables. THis worked
> fine. THat is I could telnet out to both interfaces and
> telnet in from another win98 box to both IP's.
>  (what do I need to turn on in inetd.conf so I am ping-able?)

Do you have :


in /etc/rc.conf? Look in /etc/defaults/rc.conf for more help.


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