Subject: Building NetBSD-release-1-5
To: None <>
From: Andy R <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 03/21/2002 13:55:13
This may sound kind of like a stupid question, but how
do I keep up to date with release-1.5? I read in the
manual how to grab the sources via cvs, which I've
done. However, I don't know where to start to actually
build and install the latest sources, including the

I've always been content to stay with the latest CD,
which is what I run now. I've messed up many times
trying to "make world" under FreeBSD, which is what
brought me to the conclusion that I should just stick
to the CD's... But, I figure I'll try it under NetBSD.
Got all my /home data backed up on my shiny DDS2 tape


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