Subject: Re: NetBSD Mail Client
To: village idiot <>
From: Randy Arabie <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 03/11/2002 09:24:52
On Mon, 11 Mar 2002, village idiot wrote regarding PINE:

> Only fault is that
> it does not have any built in filter options. At least
> I do not think it has. Has anybody made any?
From the main Pine menu, got into Setup, then Rules.

You can set up rules (i.e. fileters) based on headers, subject,
and content...much like any email client.

I've used Pine for a long time now and have not had a compelling 
reason to move to a GUI based client.

I know there are a lot of Mutt evangalists out there too, and I'm 
sure Mutt would be equally suited to your needs.

On Pine & Attachments.  It handles them nicely.  When adding an 
attachment you even have the ability to 'browse' your directory 
tree if you don't recall the path.

When receiving attachments you simply save them and access with 
the appropriate application (browser, text editor, etc...).



Randy Arabie
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