Subject: Re: help on "rcp: protocol error: mtime.sec not delimited"
To: John Refling <>
From: Brian A. Seklecki <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 03/07/2002 13:22:43
On Wed, 6 Mar 2002, John Refling wrote:

> I am RCPing 6 large directories from one machine to another
> and only in the middle (maybe 1/2 hour into it) of the LAST
> directory do I get this error.
> I have seen the similar posts on 10/02/2000 but I think this is
> is different since the first several RCPs work and only the last
> one fails.  Also, I placed an "exit" as the first line in the
> .cshrc and .login files.
> It appears to get part way thru copying a subdirectory which
> was originally filled by afpd (netatalk) from a mac, and then
> fails.  The file names contain lots of spaces and perhaps
> strange characters.
> On the receiving end, dmesg shows lots of "nfsd send error 55"
> lines.  I'm not sure this is related.

...on the machine you're 'RCPing to', is the destination file system NFS?

just do a 'mount'





"There are only two things infinite:  The universe, and human stupidity.  And I'm not to sure about the first one."  -Albert Einstein